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Monday, July 18, 2011

Arts Fest Re-cap 11

It's one of the most highly anticipated weekends at the Pennsylvania State University.  Students from all areas matriculate back to PSU to partake in a weekend full of friends, festivities, and... well the third should be obvious enough I don't have to mention it on here.  Going back as an eighth semester senior, I wasn't really sure what this Arts Fest was going to entail.  This was officially my fourth Arts Fest (sounds weird saying that) and probably will be my last.  Currently, I have been interning for two weeks and have become accustomed to the world of working professionals and adult interaction.  This was my first time back at PSU where students appeared "young", and it was one of the weirdest realizations.  As for the weekend itself, as per usual Cafe 210 and Indigo had mile long lines which baffles me.  I have to wonder if the students in these lines ever happen to think, is it worth 40 minutes of my weekend to wait in a line for a bar?  Arts Fest weekend requires strategy, and if you don't arrive early enough at the bar you will find yourself in a 2 hour line.  I was "one of those people" for 30 minutes on Saturday night, until my friends and I realized that we were wasting precious time that could be spent actually having fun.  We proceeded to go to Pickles where a line was non-existent.  Another unique feature of Arts Fest, partying aside, is the caliber of fashion you can find of the female student body.  The cutest dresses and latest sandals all the girls break out, being your only weekend back to PSU all summer females naturally want to look their best at all times.  It's the mindset you don't know who you're going to run into, perhaps your old friend from freshman year or crush from the past semester.  Either way, Arts Fest I believe has become an unofficial fashion competition amongst female students.. proof being most girls don't wear sundresses to walk around downtown EVER during the school year.  My final student observation this recent and final Arts Fest was simply that although I love PSU, it's not the place that I will miss.  Penn State, although extremely amazing, is simply a college town with lots of bars and an over population of students.  I have been gone for nearly a month now, and really don't miss it at all.  There is one thing I do miss and will continue to for months, and that is the wonderful individuals of whom I had the chance of being friends with during my time there...     

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