Meet the Author

Friday, July 3, 2009

Babysitting Adventures

My summer job at Penn State is probably the best job I will ever have. My job is to watch an adorable nine and six year old boy. The other day while driving the two boys home from camp I learned a valuable lesson about children that age. When you have two boys that are three years a part in age, good chances a bit of sibling torture is likely to commence. I really should have known better, being the younger sibling that once was tricked into eating mud by the older one. (I was told it was chocolate pudding)

Well, we driving to some Michael Jackson, all jamming, things were going swell when I heard the little one let out a squeal. When I asked them what was going on, Deckland (the little one) goes on to explain how when people tickle him it's like a given chain reaction he will pee his pants shortly after. Meanwhile, Kevin (the older one and instigator) was tickling his brother in an attempt to have him wet himself in MY CAR.
I told the boys there was a no pee rule allowed and hands to themselves the remainder of the ride. Before I know it, Kevin is naming every liquid substance that a nine year old can think of on a mission to get his little brother to pee himself. I told Deckland to think of solid objects to help him ignore his brother.

By the end of the ride, we were all naming just about every liquid substance that could come to our minds. I'm a terrible babysitter because I'm immature and ended up joining in on the fun, it was all good fun though. We made it home a minute later and were all laughing. Most importantly Deckland did not pee his pants or pee in my car, mission accomplished.

1 comment:

ash said...

hahahah. hilarious kris!

we can be blog friends now! im so excited!